Green D'Anjou Pears - Organic Green D'Anjou Pears - Washington Pear Growers
Juicy and sweet-brisk flavor.

Green D’Anjou

Juicy and sweet-brisk flavor.


Conventional: September - July
Organic: September - February
Green D'Anjou Pears - Organic Green D'Anjou Pears - Washington Pear Growers

Green Anjou (pronounced ON-ju) pears are recognizable for their egg-shaped appearance and bright green skin. Known for their versatility in culinary uses, they’re pear-fect for baking, poaching or eating fresh. The neck of the pear will indicate if it’s ripe. Gently press near the stem of the pear – when it gives, the pear is ripe.

Green D'Anjou Pears - Organic Green D'Anjou Pears - Washington Pear Growers

Pear Recipes

Easy and elegant recipes that showcase the flavor and functionality of Northwest pears.